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Shunt Surgery or CSF Diversion Surgery

Shunt surgery at Axon.jpg

The best care

Some patients present with headache , vomiting, blurring of vision acutely or over few days duration are diagnosed with hydrocephalus. It is a condition where CSF (brain water) channels are either blocked or there is over production of CSF.

Different etiologies are there, but in acute situation a CSF diversion surgery (shunt) is being done, which decrease the risk to life or vision. Based on further investigation treatment is continued.


We do all type of shunts (programmable, non programmable, VP-MP, LP shunt) regularly in our centre.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

Axon Centre of 


Near Pratap Auditorium, 235,

Scheme 8, Alwar-301001


91-7878123402, 8875017080

  • Axon Centre of Neurosciences Alwar
  • Axon Centre Alwar

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Centre Hours

Mon - Sat:  9:30am - 3pm  |  5pm - 7pm
Sun: only emergency care | No OPD 
Hospital open 24 hours
For Appointment please apply within given hours only

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